wellbeing & you

relevant information and support available
FICA has collated a range of information and resources that may be of use to anyone loking for mental health and wellbeing support.
Having suicidal thoughts and finding a way back
Information about support, advice from others who lived through their own suicidal thoughts & suggestions about recovery.
Having Suicidal Thoughts is for people who are managing their own suicidal thoughts or feelings. It offers information about what support is available, advice from people who have lived through their own suicidal thoughts, and suggestions about recovery.
free blueprint for learning workshops and webinars
Blueprint for Learning is very mindful of the huge emotional impact recent severe weather events are having on people living in affected regions. They are also aware of the large number of people working tirelessly in these regions to support others. They are focussing their efforts on reaching people living and working in these communties with mental health and addiction training. Training is free to attend - full of valuable information, practical advice, and wellness tips. Visit the Blueprint for Learning website and spend some time filling your kete and connecting with others in your community.