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Tairawhiti Contractors Meeting 27 November

Tairawhiti Contractors met on 27 November as a follow up to the 5 September meeting. There was a good turn-out and Rowan thought a very productive meeting.
FICA outlined the progress since the last meeting 5 September. This included the meeting with EWC and the Mayor to communicate key messages, the Mayor’s visit to the forest to meet with contractors, a number of discussions with MPI regarding the NES CF slash review and the impact on contractors, discussions with FGR/University of Canterbury to provide assistance to consolidate/quantify losses in productivity and costs to contractors.

We went through key messages established at the last meeting. It was confirmed key messages still stood, with a couple of additions that include there is noticeable difference in Council consenting performance between Hawkes Bay and GDC, Tairawhiti contractors would be supportive of looking at options for environmental accreditation of contractors.

It was agreed that contractors will make data available in confidence for desk top analysis on the current impact of slash standards on productivity and cost. 

There was good discussion on a Contractor environmental accreditation scheme and to look at opportunity to prioritise the development of Earthwork training unit standards (see more below) in Tairawhiti. Turanga Ararau based in Gisborne is hosting this training. 

Logic (Ben Williams and Bill Wheeler) presented at the meeting regarding the woody debris clean up and the new process for contractors to express interest in work. A EOI will be released through GETS. Logic will also forward to FICA FICA to distribute. It is important the process is clear, transparent and fair to all contractors. There was some discussion about getting registration of interest at the meeting, but FICA believes this is best managed through the EOI process.

Julian Kohn in his role as Chair of EWC presented to the meeting, giving an overview of EWC, its role and the work it has been involved with. 

The GDC Councillors’ visit has been confirmed for a half-day sometime in the week of 10-14 February (actual date tbc). The format will be similar to the Mayor’s visit. This is once again our Contractors’ opportunity to develop stronger ties with the GDC and showcase the good work we are doing. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Rowan. Only current FICA members will be involved in this visit.

It was agreed that Tairawhiti contractor meetings should be scheduled monthly with a standard agenda and the opportunity to invite guest presenters. FICA will send out an invite for next meeting, given it is close to the year end, next meeting will probably coincide with the Councillor’s visit. 

We very briefly discussed FICA is a not-for-profit organisation funded by members, a number of Contractors in Tairawhiti have already signed up (thank you), in fairness to those who have signed up and the support you are getting from all other members in NZ, Contractors in Tairawhiti were requested to do the same. FICA will pro-rata the membership fee. Given that we are more than 75% of the way through the year, this means you can join FICA for 25% of annual membership to be renewed 1 April 2025.

As a follow up to the meeting, Rowan met with Nedine Thatcher Swann (GDC Chief Executive), Joanna Noble (Director Sustainable Futures) and Kerry Hudson on the 28th November. The contractor key messages were communicated to Nedine and her team.

There was good discussion on environmental accreditation of contractors and the adoption of earthwork training unit standards by operators. The initial GDC response was positive.  

FICA met with the GDC compliance, policy and consenting team on 10th December to look at options on how to progress this, it was a very productive meeting with good discussion. GDC will present directly to contractors at our next monthly meeting. So, all and all, a very positive start.