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Accredited Employer Work Visa - FICA Submission

The Forest Owners Association Incorporated (FOA) and Forest Industry Contractors Association (FICA) welcome the opportunity to provide feedback on the ‘Accredited Employer Work Visa review: Phase Two.’

This submission focuses on Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) settings as they relate to silviculture. The most recent report that focuses on silviculture is the 2019 Forestry Labour Requirements Survey commissioned by Te Ura Rakau, New Zealand Forest Service. That document should be read in conjunction with this submission as it provides vital background information.

To develop our submission, FICA and FOA formed an Immigration Submission Group that includes eight respected contractors who directly employ migrant workers in different regions throughout the country, many with over 20 years of experience employing migrant labour. We believe this has ensured that the issues identified, and the solutions proposed are robust and will work on the ground. Our submission is based on feedback from that Group and includes our recommend solutions to issues that have been identified within the sector.

We are keen to collaborate with Immigration NZ and the Minister to ensure that the AEWV settings are suitable for our industry. Allowing us to fill current and future vacancies and support both migrant workers already employed and future recruits.