The voice of forestry contractors
since 2002

FICA is a membership based organisation representing the voice of New Zealand forestry contractors. Formed in 2002, FICA currently has approximately 240 member companies and associate members in harvesting, silviculture, civil and roading.

Panel only seen by widget owner
member companies
of the national log cut represented
regions represented
log export earnings in 2021

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Latest Updates

FICA E-newsletter - March 2025

In our latest FICA update, we're covering: Market Update  Fuel Update from Waitomo  Upcoming FICA Workshop 'Looking Ahead' - Friday 4 April - register below  FICA Membership Renewals - comingRead more

ACOP Review - Technical Workshops in March

FICA, FOA and FISC have been working hard with WorkSafe on progressing the ACOP. There has been much debate around the purpose, intended target, the language and format of the ACOP.  The originalRead more

Vocational Training Update

FICA recently met with the Minister of Vocational Training Penny Simmonds. The Minister seemed to be very aware of the unique demands required in the forest industry for on-the-job training and theRead more

A better way - Tom Payne - Rakau Harvesting

Nelson-based FICA member Tom Payne (Rakau Harvesting) can still vividly recall hand falling trees when he started in the industry more than 27 years ago. The boss would literally drop him off in theRead more

Market Update March 2025

We have seen good consistent export pricing over recent months and this has continued in March with A grade prices north of the magical $130/m3 level in the North Island this has seen all crewsRead more

Fuel Outlook with Waitomo - March 2025

uel prices have been fluctuating due to global economic shifts, geopolitical tensions, and seasonal demand changes, but a downward trend is emerging. Key market drivers: Economic shocks and oilRead more

FICA Member Renewals 2025

Hello FICA whanau,  It is that time of the year again when we are asking you to dip into your pockets and pay your annual subscription, invoices will be sent out later this month for AprilRead more

Pan Pac Opportunity - Expressions of Interest – Ground-based Logging

FICA is sharing this Expression of Interest opportunity on behalf of Pan Pac Expressions of Interest – Ground-based Logging Pan Pac Forest Products Limited (Pan Pac) is a fully integrated forestRead more

Immigration NZ Webinar - 5 March

Immigration New Zealand have announced some changes to AEWV and Specific Purpose Work Visa (SPWV) on the 10th March. These will affect the primary sector and some changes will have impactsRead more

Machine Assist Felling Skills Standards Development Project

There's still time to have your say on draft skill standards for Machine Assist Felling (MAF) and tree-felling. Please review the consultation information below, then complete the survey with yourRead more

FICA E-newsletter - February 2025

In our first FICA update for 2025, we're covering: Market Update  Tairawhiti Contractors Meeting 11 February  GDC Councillors Hear Contractor's Voice  Immigration NZ Settings  FICA Board MeetingRead more

Insurance designed by FICA contractors, for FICA contractors

Starting out as a family-owned New Zealand business 26 years ago, TLC Insurance has had a strong connection with forestry from the start. Original owner and TLC Insurance founder Keith Penny hadRead more

Why join FICA?

Gain a SEAT AT THE TABLE with FICA representing you 

Be AFFILIATED with an organisation that's leading the way in our industry

Access TOOLS, RESOURCES, INFORMATION & SUPPORT relevant to your business 

Get a range of DISCOUNTS, OFFERS & DEALS as part of our awesome member package